Category: Freelance

- January 16, 2020
How to Work as a Freelance Social Media Manager
There is no doubt that in today’s workplace, social media plays a significant role. Consumers expect businesses to be active on social media, they expect to be able to connect and engage with them there. As such, we need social media managers, and in many cases, this is a

- January 9, 2020
Six Reasons to Go Freelance
Many of us dream of going freelance and stepping outside the traditional rat race. There are lots of ways to go about this, whether you take on some freelance web design clients outside of your regular job or invest in a tattoo stencil printer and set up your own

- December 19, 2019
5 Ways to Make Money Online
When you want to make money online, the obvious choice is to have a blog or website set up ready. These will be your portals to creating that income.

- November 21, 2019
Could You Be Your Own Boss? This Is How It Could Work for You
There is always that constant struggle between home life and working life, especially when you become a parent. You have that guilt to be there for all of the moments and milestones, but yet commitments to your job which in editable pays the bills so that you family can

- November 20, 2019
3 Ways to Build Your Side Hustle
Side hustling is nothing new. In fact, some jobs like tuning pianos, are almost exclusively done by twilighters earning a bit of extra cash. But while side hustling may not be new, it is certainly taking on a whole new life of its own. In recent years, more and

- October 29, 2019
Learning How to Work from Home Productively
Many of us dream of working from home. We long to start a business out of a home office, or work from home as a freelancer. You might even explore the option of doing your current job as an employee but from home. Working at home gives you options.

- October 28, 2019
5 Ways to Start Your Own Side Hustle Today
Starting your own business can involve mountains of paperwork, incorporation, and expensive startup fees, but that is not the only path to becoming an entrepreneur. It is possible to start your own business today – and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. The following ideas require very little

- October 27, 2019
Who Can See Your Data? Simple Ways to Stay Secure
Data leaks, Identity fraud, and security breaches are incredibly common in our ever-increasing digital society. With more and more people opting to work remotely across the country each year, privacy is becoming even harder to monitor than ever before, with many choosing to set up their offices in cafes,

- October 19, 2019
Being Responsible with Your Self-Employed Salary
When you work for a business, your salary comes to you every month. You get used to that regular payday and base your month around it. But what happens when you’re working for yourself and that monthly payday suddenly disappears?

- August 27, 2019
Great Ways to Earn a Living Online and Why You Diversify Your Income!
In this day and age it goes without saying that when it comes to working, the ways in which you can earn a living are more diverse than ever before. The internet has been responsible for opening the market in a way no one could have predicted. The same