
  • October 28, 2021

How a Small Business Can Go Green: A Guide to Sustainability

It is not always easy for a small business to consider going green. You may feel like there are too many expenses and that it will be challenging to maintain your current standards. But, if you’re ready, here’s how.


What do you want your company to look like in 5 years? For example, would you like to power all of your buildings with renewable energy sources? What goals do you want to achieve by going green? Perhaps your goal is to reduce energy costs. Or maybe you want a cleaner environment for everyone who works and lives nearby. Whatever the case, these factors will help determine which of the key areas below should be implemented first within your business. No company is the same, so you should keep these ideas in mind when deciding what to prioritize within your company.

Reduce or Eliminate Use of Toxic Substances

If possible, try eliminating all nonessential uses of chemicals such as triclosan and formaldehyde. Instead, find eco-friendly alternatives to toxic substances. Purchase recycled paper goods, office supplies, and other items whenever possible. Replace materials like vinyl with natural fabrics such as cotton or silk when feasible. Use ecologically friendly cleaners for all surfaces (i.e., wood, tile). Get rid of chemical cleaners altogether if you can.

Look for products that support renewable resources, such as bamboo or hemp. Organic cotton is an excellent option if you’re concerned about the environmental impact of chemicals used in farming and manufacturing. Green your technology by using laptops instead of desktops whenever possible to reduce energy consumption from electric use. Make efforts to recycle old equipment when feasible too.

Seek Out Sustainable Suppliers

For supplies such as cleaning products and paper goods – this way, we help keep our employees safe from hazardous chemicals. In addition, sustainable sourcing products can be more cost-effective for small businesses, as they don’t have to pay huge markups on expensive “green” options. Finally, to make things easier for your employees and customers, only purchase supplies made from recycled materials or created with renewable resources – many paper goods come in both varieties!

Reusable Coffee Mugs for Your Employees

This is an excellent option for any company looking to minimize their carbon footprint – and it’s beneficial from an employee standpoint too! According to one study, the average office worker spends around $11/day on coffee – and that’s just one person! If your company has a few dozen employees, you can expect to pay tens of thousands every year. By providing reusable cups for each employee, not only are you saving money (and minimizing waste), but you’re also making sure that your employees always have a way to enjoy their favorite coffee-house beverages no matter where they are.

Green Printing

Using recycled paper is another significant step for businesses looking to go green – but the printer itself can also play an essential role in reducing carbon footprint! There are now printers on the market that use up to 70% less energy than standard printers. In addition – if you are looking to print more pages, consider using the duplex mode, which will help reduce paper consumption even further!

Reduce Energy Usage

Reducing energy usage is the easiest way to go green. A quick fix for this problem would be to turn off lights when they are not in use or unplug appliances that aren’t being used at the moment. It is also a good idea to invest in energy star bulbs, which have a higher cost upfront but will save money on your electric bill long term since it uses less energy. To invest in renewable energy sources, start by identifying your business’ power usage and then look for a solar panel installer or another source of green energy that’s right for you.

Consider using solar panels to convert the sun’s energy into electricity for your business to reduce your carbon footprint even further! Take advantage of Royal Power Solutions. This is an excellent choice for anyone looking to reduce their energy usage and save money on utilities by partnering with a sustainable power solutions company that can help you determine the best plan or product available in your area at this time.

Reduce Water Usage

Water is used everywhere, but many businesses don’t realize how much they could save by using water more efficiently. Most companies use water for many different things. Some of the most common ways are through restrooms, landscaping irrigation, janitorial services, and dishwashing. While all these uses seem necessary to run a business effectively, several areas can be improved to reduce your water usage.

By understanding how much you pay per gallon, you can better understand reducing your water usage. This is something that the EPA has been working on, and they have a helpful website for businesses looking to become greener. You should also install low-flow faucets, aerators, and toilets in all of your restrooms.

Reduce Waste and Pollution

Reducing your business’s waste and pollution can be as simple as using recycled paper or reusable bottles. You could also set up a recycling station in the office, so employees know where to recycle documents, plastics, cans, etc. For computers, set up a recycling program to ensure all electronic equipment is disposed of properly.

Reduce Transportation Impact

To reduce your business’ transportation impact, you could work from home one day a week. If that’s not possible, try carpooling with employees or public transportation for a few days of the week. You could also invest in a hybrid vehicle and train some employees on how to drive more efficiently.

In conclusion, green business practices are necessary for any company looking to increase its bottom line while decreasing the impact on the environment. Businesses can be successful in numerous industries without having adverse effects, whether environmentally or socially. Fortunately, many resources are available to help make these changes more accessible and affordable than ever before. By taking advantage of these resources, businesses can transition without sacrificing too much time or money while also staying competitive with larger companies.

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