
  • June 29, 2022

What Am I Losing to Poor Business Effiency?

There are various problems you will encounter during the running of your business, but inefficiency is something that, if left unaddressed, will crop up again and again. This is because inefficiency in one area can quickly bleed into others, interrupting your daily practices and limiting your overall success.

The costs of inefficiency are far-reaching. For example, when maintaining inefficient practices, you are: 

Losing money. According to a recent study, businesses can lose between 20-30% of their annual revenue to poor efficiency. With the financial market struggling to recuperate from the COVID-19 pandemic, these financial risks could be more damaging than ever before. 

Losing time. When your business processes are inefficient across the board, you’re spending more time than necessary on tasks. As time is a valuable business commodity, the hours lost to outdated practices could easily be spent elsewhere. 

Losing morale. Inefficient processes are also likely to lead to a drop in employee morale, due to the simple fact that it puts them on the path toward burnout. Not only could this lead to issues regarding staff retention rates, but a recent study has found that “unhappy workers cost the U.S. $450 to $550 billion annually to lost productivity.” 

As such, it’s clear that real change needs to be enacted to eradicate inefficiency within your business. Here are some simple ideas you may find useful. 


  • Invest in software. Investing in new technology or software is a sure-fire way to enhance efficiency within your business since it can save you a great deal of time by streamlining processes or making it easier to communicate and collaborate with others. For example, a SharePoint hub site can help you to “organize concepts, teams, divisions or resources throughout your organization” at the click of a button. 



  • Take care of your employees. Another way in which you can reduce inefficiency within your business is by making changes to help your team feel more supported. After all, motivated employees are more productive, less likely to make mistakes, and more willing to take on challenges. 



  • Put together a schedule for each day. One of the biggest challenges associated with inefficiency is being able to avoid distractions and stay focused on tasks. Thankfully, there are various ways in which you can improve focus across your business, such as by brushing up on your delegation skills or putting together daily schedules for your team. While you should give them some freedom regarding their routine, putting together team or individual schedules can prove to be beneficial.


Embrace change. Business owners must always be willing to embrace change, whether you are implementing new technology or hiring new talent. Failing to do so means you risk falling behind your competition as your practices become dated, and by extension, inefficient. To put it simply, as the business world is ever-evolving, you must be ready and willing to evolve alongside it. As such, you should always be open to new ideas, concepts and strategies. Don’t assume that your current practices will always work as well as they do today.

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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