
  • June 2, 2021

Get Started With Marketing With These Tips

All businesses today live and die by the customers it has. If you are not attracting enough clients to your business, it could be because you aren’t marketing your company the right way. With that in mind, read on to discover the best ways to get started when it comes to marketing and advertising for your company.

Focus on SEO

Search engine optimization is a must for all businesses today. It is a critical part of small business marketing. SEO involves using an array of different techniques to move your website up the search engine rankings. This is imperative in today’s digital age, giving your website plenty of exposure, and ensuring your business is at the top of the results whenever someone looks for a similar company in your area. After all, whenever people need to find a business today, they usually turn to the Internet!

Profile Your Team

When setting up your team, you may not have a big team of staff, but this does not matter, you should still create a profile for each member – it does not matter whether you are a team of two or ten. This is because people like to know who is going to be providing your service. By highlighting the accomplishments and talents of your individual staff members, people will feel more comfortable about choosing you.

Offer a Reward for Customer Referrals

Word of mouth is still one of the most powerful marketing tools today. You can give your customers a push to recommend your business by offering a reward if they do so. For example, for every new client that signs up through an existing customer, you could give the existing customer a 10% discount off his or her next bill.

Start a Blog

Having a website is one thing, but you can take it to the next level by adding a blog. This is the way to show your expertise, setting yourself apart in the industry. You can share posts about related news, customer stories, and anything else related to your business. Create original, interesting, and engaging posts, which people will want to read. Not only does this show you as an expert in the industry, but it will benefit your SEO strategy too.

Get Customer Testimonials

Ask your satisfied clients if they will provide you with a testimonial. You will find that most will be more than happy to do so. You can use these testimonials in a number of different ways – from including them in magazine ads and brochures to social media and websites.

Be Active On Social Media

This leads to the last point perfectly; make sure you are active on social media. This gives people the opportunity to get closer to your practice than ever before, which harvests loyal customer relationships. Don’t simply post a string of promotional messages – engage with your customers and post interesting messages about the industry in general. You could also run a competition for increased exposure, with winners getting a product you sell.