
  • August 5, 2020

Essential Tips for Starting an Eco-Friendly Business

There is always plenty of planning needed when starting a business. However, launching an eco-friendly business has some unique considerations that you will need to take into account.

Running an environmentally-friendly business has many benefits, so it is not surprising that many ‘mainstream’ businesses are trying to get in on the action. However, to establish a business and promote it as an eco-friendly brand requires a genuine approach, and should never be considered just a marketing tactic. Being green has to be at the heart of your business and your whole company ethos needs to be built on your eco-credentials. If your company is only green on a superficial level, consumers will quickly see through this as a marketing tactic. The results of this could be severe, possibly causing unsalvagable damage to your brand’s reputation.

Building an Environmentally-Friendly Business

Nowadays, consumers are savvy and can see through clever marketing ploys. Consumers buying a product on the basis of its green credentials are far more likely to research a company thoroughly before making a purchase. This means that your environmentally-friendly business needs to live up to its promises.

The difference between building a green brand and a regular brand is the niche that it sits in. Regardless of the product you are selling, be it bath salts or pet food, the environmentally-friendly aspect of the brand will always play a significant part in each aspect of your offering.

Creating an eco brand requires an all-encompassing approach, each element of the business and the product itself needs to scream green. A great starting point is to sit down and create a set of company values that your business will live by, along with a mission statement. You can then use these to guide you as you build your brand and establish your company.

Branding Your Eco-Friendly Business

An environmentally-friendly business requires strong branding. Once you have established values that your business will operate by and a mission statement, it is time to consider the way that you will translate these visually.

When you have eco-credentials you need to shout about them! The environmentally-friendly aspect of your brand is a vital tool to use when differentiating your products from those of your competitors. With this in mind, you need to tailor each aspect of your branding so that they consistently communicate your company’s values and represent these visually.

You will need to consider everything from your logo design to your choice of packaging to ensure that they represent your business and values in the correct way. Choosing sustainable packaging for your products such as printed rollstock will strengthen the eco-credentials of your brand and set it apart from competing products. You should also consider your logo design and the colours that you use in it, so that each visual element contributes to the overall eco-friendly vibe of your product.

Using a consistent approach to communicate your company values and then representing this through your design will help to firmly establish your eco-friendly business.