
  • November 7, 2019

8 Ways to Improve Your Law Firm Operations

Everyone knows that operating a law firm is a pretty steady business. The world has always needed lawyers, and that’s something that’s only expected to grow in the coming years. But of course, like most profitable industries, there is a lot of competition when it comes to getting clients and growing your business.

As such, if you’ve hit a plateau, then you may want to look into improving your law firm operations. But how do you do this? We take a look at a few tried and tested methods below. Incorporate them into your law firm, and you’ll likely find that things begin to improve.

Attract More Clients

We may as well start with the most obvious way to improve your operations: attract more clients! The more clients you have, the more money you’ll generate, the better you’ll be able to improve all areas of your business. But of course, wanting to attract more clients is different from actually doing it. So what are some smart ways to boost your client list? It’s all about marketing. This can take place both in “the real world” and online. The real world marketing will depend on your type of business and the area in which you’re located. Online marketing is more uniform. You’ll want to focus on your SEO so that you’re near the top of the Google search engine rankings. Content marketing for your website is also a good idea — an example of this would be to have a blog that offers legal advice and commentary on your chosen legal niche.

Work Efficiently

Like all companies, law firms usually find that they run into trouble when it comes to efficiency. You might be putting many working hours into your law firm each week, but how many of those are wasted hours? To work better, take a critical look at how you’re working, and try to identify where you’re wasting time. Of course, if you’re in charge of the law firm, then you’ve probably already figured out how you work your best. The trick will be to get all the people that work for you to work just as well. Employee happiness is a big indicator of how productively they’ll work. Treat them well, and they’ll treat you well.

Outsource Tasks

You’re primarily in the law game, but you’re operating in the business world. And once you spend a little time trying to make a success of things there, you quickly come to understand that the business world is filled with time-consuming tasks that can hold you back. They’re essential, sure, but they hold you back. For the tasks that fill up your day or overly complex, why not look at outsourcing the work to a third-party company? Your marketing, tax matters and own legal concerns should be handled by another company. That way, you can focus on your core operations, secure in the knowledge that the important tasks have been taken care of.

Hire Better

You’re only going to be as good as the staff that you have working for you. If you’re bringing on board those bottom of the barrel applicants, then you’ll find everything is much more difficult when it comes to improving your business. It’s much better to hire those team members that will make stepping up all the more straightforward. So if you’re looking to improve your operations, then focus on hiring better. You’ll find that once you’ve got the right team in place, you’re able to run a tighter ship, on all fronts. You can hire better by reviewing your hiring processes, and spotting the flaws that might result in lower quality team members. One area that people fall down when it comes to hiring is the job advertisement — they ask for too much, without saying what they offer. The best applicants will look for what the company can do for them, not only what they can bring to the company.

Get Paid on Time

If you’re going to operate at full capacity, then you can’t be forever chasing up invoices and bills. It’s a waste of your time, since the hard work has already been completed, Equally, let’s not forget that it takes money to run a law firm. A shockingly high amount of law firms have difficulty when it comes to getting paid. And amazingly, some 86% of law firms have had an invoice that has been left unpaid entirely. So it pays to stay on top of these things. You can outsource the invoice payment chasing to a third party company, incentivize your clients to pay early by offering discounts and making it easy to pay.

Get the Software

If you’re running a law firm, then you’ll know just how difficult it can be to stay on top of everything. There is, after all, a lot of details that need to be handled, and if you have multiple clients at the same time, then confusion can rein. One way to overcome this issue is to have the right software. Legal Files legal software can help to improve the efficiency and workflow of your entire law firm. You’ll be able to access your important files on a variety of devices, and standardize your day-to-day operations. It’s a simple yet effective way to make your business better.

Emerging Trends

The world is always in flux, and most of them come from a legal standpoint. As such, one of the best ways to improve your law firm is to stay on top of the emerging legal trends and position your firm so that it can absorb them.

Customer Service Improvements

Finally, look at improving your customer service. You’re there to provide a legal service, sure, but there’s a way to go about it. Rather than just handling your client’s legal needs, look at improving their overall experience with your firm. It’s all about ensuring that they’re happy with your services from beginning to end. It’s a surefire way to get positive reviews and word of mouth marketing.