
  • October 13, 2020

Using Social Media More Effectively for Your Business

Social media is here to stay, and the number of people using the sites is growing and growing. It is estimated, according to that by 2021, one-third of the population will be using social media. That is quite amazing when you think about it, especially when it comes to how social media can help a small business.

If you are a small business and you aren’t focused on building your social channels and having a strong brand presence, then your customers are already going to be choosing your competitors.

With so many different channels, though, how do you know what is going to be best to use for what you need? There are companies like that run social media management who can do things for you. But when you really embrace social media, but do it in the right way, it can be a big benefit, and there are things that you can do yourself. So with that in mind, here are some strategies for social media that can help you to give your small business marketing a boost.

Drive Traffic to Website Store

For an online store, being able to get people to your site is half of the battle. Then once they are there, the products are the things that will sell themselves. One great way to get people to your online store is to use social media to help. In Instagram, for example, you link to shop products in images, as well as do swipe up links in Instagram stories. You can share blog post links or product pages on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. Share, share, and share some more, and it can help drive traffic to your website.

Video Content

Not everyone who is on social media wants to read blog posts or read long captions. Some people will prefer to have video content. This could be longer ‘how to’ type of content that is on YouTube, or quick, short, and perhaps funny video content using things like TikTok or Instagram stories. Using video content can also help to share a more human side to your business or brand, as you could also use a live video feature when new products come in, or for a question and answer session.

Cross-Promotion and Influencer Promotion

Social media can be a great tool for working with influencers who can help to cross-promote. They could do things like social media takeovers of your channels, which helps your brand to be seen by a whole new group of people. You could also work with them on paid content, as well as gifted collaborations. These are things that can work pretty effectively, as long as you are choosing the right platforms, and are choosing the best influencers to work with, according to your brand’s niche.

Ultimately, social media for your brand is the way to tell your brand’s story. You can do with it whatever you would like, but knowing your ideal customer or ideal follower can help you to choose the strategy that will work best for you.

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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