
  • August 20, 2020

Little Things That Make a Big Difference to Clients’ On-Site Experience

You’ve worked hard to make your business what it is. You started out as a modest operation running out of your spare room. But you paid attention to the little details, put in the time and effort to grow your reputation and secure the right sort of clients. The kind that take your business to the next level.

Now, you have your very own physical premises in a prestigious location. You understand that our premises is an extension of your brand. And if it’s not saying all the right things about you, you won’t be able to land the kids of prestige clients that will allow your business’ reputation to grow from strength to strength.

You know that you need to invest in a great on-site experience to make the ultimate first impression for new and existing clients alike. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune on a top-down refurb. Often, it’s the little things that can make a big difference.

Acknowledge Their Presence Straight Away

No matter how busy you are, it can give the wrong impression if your new client (or prospective client) has to wait around to be acknowledged. Make sure you acknowledge their presence as soon as you see them. Greet them professionally but warmly. If you still need to tie up a few loose ends, proceed to the step below.

If you’re unable to greet clients as soon as they’re on site, you may need to look at investing in a receptionist.

Make Sure They’re Taken Straight to a Well Appointed Waiting Area

Don’t have time to deal with the client right away? That’s okay. But the least you can do is ensure that they are comfortable (dare we even say pampered) while they wait. It’s up to you to create and maintain the perfect environment to wait in. That means paying close attention to the little details. Like whether the burner orifice in your HVAC system is in good shape to ensure the right temperature. It means making sure that the coffee is always fresh, the water is always cool and ample, and that there are tasty snacks available to all while they wait. Including vegan and / or gluten-free options. Little things like making sure there are dairy alternatives for hot drinks can go a long way in creating a great first impression for clients.

Ensure That They Have the Connectivity They Need

You don’t want to keep clients waiting for too long. But if you can make them so comfortable that they almost don’t want to be taken out of the waiting room, you’re doing something right. You may want to lay on newspapers and magazines. But in an age where most will scroll through their news feeds on their phones, you’ll want to ensure that they have instant access to the connectivity they need for their own entertainment and your business endeavours. So make sure that your Wifi password is placed somewhere prominent or that the receptionist tells them upon entry.

Even something as simple as ensuring that they don’t need to use their own data can help you to make a great impression.

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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