
  • April 29, 2021

What to Think About Before Starting a Construction Company

The construction industry is one that, when done in the right way with plenty of thought and planning, can be very profitable indeed, and this could be why a lot of people like the idea of opening up their own construction business. Yet there is a lot to think about before you do this; we did say that it could be profitable when done right, and ensuring you are doing it right is crucial.

Rather than simply taking your experience as a contractor working for someone else and incorporating that into your business – a practice that won’t work because you’ll be missing out on essential elements – you’ll need to take your time and think carefully about exactly what you’re going to need to know and do before you launch. In that way, you can be sure that you’re making the right choice. Working in construction is one thing, but running a business in the construction industry is something else entirely. Read on to find out what you need to know and do before making any commitments.

Licenses and Permits

A contractor can’t just start work on someone’s property – they will need to have the correct licenses and permits in place to ensure they are skilled, trained, and experienced. Without these permits, you could find yourself in a lot of trouble. Not only that, but you may not get as much work as you need to survive; customers are sure to ask to see the licenses you have, and if you can’t provide them, they will take their work elsewhere.

The requirements for licensing are many and varied, and it can even depend on what state you’re in as to exactly what you need. Therefore, it will pay to do as much research as you can so that you know you’re applying for the correct licenses and permits, and that you do it in the right way.

Office Location

In this modern era of home and remote working, you might not have considered that you’ll need an office. However, although it would technically be possible to run a construction company from home, it is far better to have a dedicated office for it. This is because you will have various contractors working for you, and they will need a hub to plan their work together and meet up to get to their projects. Unless you have a separate office, they will be coming to your home, which might be inconvenient and will certainly feel chaotic. Plus, clients might need to come to you to discuss the work that needs to be done. Again, although home working is considered normal, it’s not necessarily the way you want your clients to see you.

On top of that, you’ll need to think of storage. As a construction business, you’ll have many tools, equipment, and materials that will need to be kept somewhere. An office with a warehouse attached will work perfectly.

Health and Safety Requirements

The construction industry requires some of the strictest adherence to health and safety rules and laws out of everything. This is because the chances of an accident occurring are deemed to be much higher than in other industries. When you are starting your own construction company, you’ll need to be completely aware of all the health and safety requirements that relate to what you’re doing, whether that be linked to equipment, materials used, working practices, who you can hire, where you can work, or anything else.

There are many rules to consider, but each will need to be followed precisely to keep you, your employees, members of the public, and your business safe. Remember, you can be fined, your business closed, or you might even be imprisoned if something happens and you weren’t following the rules, so learning them and putting plans in place to ensure you meet with them is crucial for everyone’s peace of mind.


Although as we’ve said it’s best to follow the rules and have processes in place to minimize the risk of an accident happening or mistake being made, sometimes they will happen anyway. As long as you were doing all you were meant to be doing, you probably don’t have to worry about the legal side of things, but there will still be many costs associated with fixing these errors, which is why insurance is important. If you had to pay for repairs or medical bills or anything else yourself, your business might have to close.

As well as being there as an added level of protection for you, your insurance will show your clients that you are taking all the proper precautions and help them know that, should something go wrong, you can make it right again. With insurance, you’ll get a lot more work because the public will be happy to use you, knowing they are protected.