
  • November 25, 2019

Selling a Business? Remember to Consider These Things

Starting a business is one thing, but what about the other end of the scale? What if you’re looking to sell a business? You could decide this for a variety of reasons, but there’s one thing that remains the same: it can be even harder than trying to sell a house on the modern market!

But we’ve got some questions for you to mull over a little before you decide to pack up and sell off. You’ve got a business that’s worth something, yes, but this isn’t a decision to take lightly. Make sure you’re selling in the right way, for the right reasons, and it won’t be a struggle to find an interested party.

How Much Is Your Business Worth?

Your business is worth something, as we established, but you need to work out exactly how much. This is to ensure you get the value you deserve from the sale, and to also try and entice a few more buyers into the fray. After all, when a business is worth it, even the most uninitiated are going to be able to spot that from a mile away!

You could use a valuation company here, or you could try and work it out on your own. At this stage, either one works just fine.

Do You Have Enough Customers?

A business needs to be able to prove its ability at making money. If you’re going to put a business on the market, for someone to hopefully snap up as soon as possible, you’re going to need a good record of customers for them to look over.

Having just one or two customers isn’t quite enough for the modern business buyer – if you’ve got a home business that’s quite small, and you want to be rid of it, you’re going to have to attract a couple more customers towards it before you put it on the market. Make sure you’ve got the sales targets in place before you show it off to someone else, and you’ll be able to foreclose on the sale sooner than you ever expected.

Have You Cleaned Up?

Both in financial and physical terms. Of course, the more clean your business looks, inside and out, the better the impression you’re going to present and make. So make sure you get onto companies like, to ensure that your premises are spick and span before someone gets a look around.

At the same time, make sure you can maintain a sense of transparency about your financial options, and just how afloat your business was during the time you ran it. That might involve a little cleaning up and snipping the edges here and there; use the services of a professional accountant to make sure your books are properly balanced, and all the information within is presented in eye catching, hierarchical way.

If you’re going to be selling a business in the near future, make sure you’ve considered and answered these questions in full.