
  • March 24, 2021

How Customer Reviews Elevate Your Business

Do you remember the last time you made a purchase online, of a service or a product, without checking reviews? Very few people make a purchase decision without consulting review websites and social media. Reviews do so much for your business you might wonder how you can function without them.

Here are some stats for you:

  • 89% of consumer globally check online reviews before they make a purchase
  • 76% of buyers trust the reviews they read online
  • Stats from Oberlo’s article 10 online review statistics you need to know in 2021
  • B2B buyers read around 12 searches before engaging with a brand, including agency reviews like this one PHP Agency review
  • 50% of technology buyers buy without ever speaking to the vendor

Stats from Trustradius Review Statistics for B2B

But how else can you benefit from high-value reviews?


The more your brand is talked about online, the more likely it is that you will attract more people.

Just like when a crowd gathers to watch a street performer, crowds attract crowds. You become more visible, and that encourages people to check your business out.

Constructive Feedback

There are some reviews that will be closer to ‘don’t like this company,’ then there will be those that you can work with.

In-depth reviews that cover both the positive and negative highlight areas that you can work on.


All of those reviews can be used for content. You can use the reviews on your websites; you can use them for your social media campaigns and more. Rather than talking about how great you are, other people are doing it for you.

Sharing how others found working with your company or products holds more power than you saying it about yourself.


You can offer those that leave reviews a reward for doing so – furthering your relationship between your brand and your customers. Building trust by listening and acting on feedback is one of the most robust tools you have.

Your customer is the focus of your business; without them, you don’t have much! Creating strong relationships between you and your customers is the key to gaining more business.


There are many only scams, and it can be difficult for consumers to differentiate between what is real and what isn’t. If a company has no reviews, then it is likely, looking at the stats, that customers will go elsewhere.

Your customer reviews can validate that you are a real business and what you sell is real too.


Responding to customer reviews can make the person behind them feel essential to the company. Replying to both positive and negative reviews is essential. Review Trackers did a survey, and 45% of the respondents said that they are likely to visit a business if they respond to negative reviews. Read more about Online Review Stats.

Reviews can make or break your business and should be factored into your overall plan for growth. Using reviews as a point of action and feedback creates a positive relationship with your customers.

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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