
- July 20, 2021
How to Turbocharge Your Business Growth
Most companies begin their life with modest ambitions. Since the failure rate of companies is high, most are happy enough to at least learn that they have a sustainable business. However, there’s a lot of value in pushing your business to the next level. While everything might be going well enough right now, who knows what the future will bring? A new competitor might come along, and suddenly, things aren’t going as well as you’d like.
That’s why it’s important to focus on ensuring that your business is as good as it can be. To do this, it’s important to have a growth mindset for your business. In this blog, we’re going to take a comprehensive look at how you can turbocharge your operations. If you take all the tips we outline below, then you’ll likely find that your future looks bright!
Do the Basics Extremely Well
Many company leaders take the view that ‘more is more.’ By this, we mean they think that if they offer as many products or services as possible, then they’ll be more likely to attract customers. That can work in some cases, but not for most. Many businesses will benefit from trimming away the fat, and, instead of trying to be all things to their customers, trying to be one thing. Look at putting your energy into making core products and services the best that they can be, rather than putting energy into additional offerings. You’ll find that you become the go-to business of choice for people who are looking for whatever specific thing you provide.
Listen to Customer Feedback
Your customers aren’t just a source of your revenue. They can also provide valuable information regarding the future of your business. All you need to do is ask! Your business exists for the benefit of your customers, not for the benefit of you. So when you get feedback, listen. There are multiple sources for feedback. One could be your reviews — you can learn a great deal from your reviews, both the positive and negative reviews. You can also ask for feedback directly. Once you know what they want more of and less of from your company, you’ll be able to make changes. Your business will become an operation that gives them just what they want.
Hire Better Staff
It’s the people inside your company that’ll influence how bright your future is. You could have all the best plans for your future, but if you don’t have the people that can bring those ideas to life, then it’ll be an uphill battle. It’s not the ideas that are important, but the execution of those ideas. You can make sure your company can grow by improving your hiring process. If you’re currently getting the lowest calibre candidates, then there’s probably something wrong with your job adverts. A few tweaks will attract better candidates (in addition to things like a good wage, benefits, things like that.
And Invest in Your Staff
Of course, having a talented team of employees is only the beginning. It’ll be the investments that you make in your team that’ll determine how much of an influence they’ll have. There are multiple ways to do this. First, you can make sure that you have a positive working environment. Second, you can invest in your employees through the use of courses, training days, things like that. If your team can reach their full potential, then that’ll only be good for your company.
Outsource Tasks
There are a million and one things that you’ll need to take care of for your business. But there’s no law that says you should be doing all of those tasks yourself. Indeed, it would be unwise if you were. You should put your energy into doing the tasks that’ll push your business forward and which make the most of your skills. The other tasks will be a waste of your time. For those jobs, look at handing them over to third-party companies. They’ll be able to complete the tasks to a high standard, and you’ll have a clearer schedule. It’s a win-win situation.
Elevate Your Working Space
Your office is more than just where you get your work done. It functions as a reflection of your company and can inspire your employees to work better. Multiple studies have shown the importance of having a great working space, because of how much of an influence it can have on productivity and corporate happiness. If your current office isn’t as inspiring as it could be, then look at upgrading — check out the offices at Executive Workspace to see your options. Investing in your office is like investing in your home: it pays off in ways that you can’t predict.
Find Your Flaws
No company is perfect. Every business has flaws. While you can never hope to eliminate them and become perfect, it’s a good idea to at least be aware of what your company’s flaws might be. If you know that, then you can at least work on minimizing the damage. Of course, it can be difficult to identify what your weak points are. To get this information, it’s important to take a broad view of your operations — you’ll need to take a step back and see what’s working, and what’s not. If you find this an impossible task, then look at hiring an external consultant to do the job for you.
Technology Upgrades
All companies need to have technology if they’re going to be at their best. But what tech you need will be specific to your company and requirements. Of course, virtually all companies have tech. However, if it’s been some time since you upgraded your tech, then it could be out of date — there could be better tools out there that would help you. A good approach is to ask your staff what problems they have, and then see if there’s a tech solution out there. Also, this is another scenario where working with a consultant can be beneficial. An IT company will know exactly what you need — and have the capability to integrate it into your business.
Improve Your Marketing
Most companies have their own marketing campaigns, but in an age when marketing is becoming increasingly complicated, it could be time to step up. There are a million and one marketing channels you could use — SEO, social media, email, and offline, to name just a few. If you’ve been churning out the same campaigns with the same results, then take a look at stepping things up. This is more important if you’re an online business, but in truth, it’s something that all companies can benefit from.
Spot New Opportunities
Your business does not exist in a world all on its own. It’s part of a broader system of companies and people. And while there will be some companies that function as your competitor, that won’t be the case for the vast majority. It’s also good practice to keep your eyes open for new opportunities. For example, it may be possible to develop working relationships with other companies in your local area.
Carry on Learning
You’re going to know some things about what it takes to run a company. But you’re not going to know everything — no one does! But you should aspire to get as close to ‘expert level’ as possible. If you’re reading books, blogs, and are all-around staying engaged with the goings-on in your industry, then you’ll learn plenty of useful pieces of information that you can incorporate into your operations.
Smoother Processes
Your company will be a set of systems, from workflows to shipping to everything else. Are they as smooth as they could be? Sometimes, companies make basic errors in areas that should be watertight. For example, let’s say your payment process. If it’s not smooth and straightforward, then you’ll run the risk of losing customers at the final hurdle, which makes no sense at all. Review your systems and see how you can make them better.
Focus on You
Finally, let’s think about you. You’re the leader of this company and, thus, you’ll have the most influence on the eventual success and growth of your business. It’s important to check in with yourself from time to time to ensure that you’re in a healthy space, both physically and mentally. If you know that you could be doing better, then focus on yourself for a little while. Some leaders are reluctant to do this, because they think they should be pouring energy into their business. However, focusing on yourself will bring benefits to your company, too. You’ll deliver better work — and on a more consistent basis — when you’re feeling good, for instance.
And there we have it! It’s normal to sink into a standard way of doing things when you’re running a company, but it’s always a good idea to reflect on your operations, and to identify where things could be better. It requires time, effort, and perhaps some financial investment, but it’ll be an investment that pays off!