
  • May 13, 2020

3 Tips for Getting Started in the Gig Economy

The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the economy all across the globe. The unemployment rate in the U.S. jumped to over 14% at the end of April. Millions of people around the world are without a job and some businesses are shutting their doors for good.

But, there are some industries that are thriving.

Many of the in-demand jobs right now are part of the “gig economy”. That means the employees work for themselves as freelancers or remote workers. The gig economy was already growing even before the Coronavirus pandemic. In 2017, Britain had over 4.7 million workers in the gig economy.

Some of the top jobs within the gig economy include:

  • Ride-sharing (Uber or Lyft)
  • Freelance consulting
  • Graphic design
  • Food delivery
  • E-commerce
  • Tutoring or teaching
  • Nannying/babysitting

If you’re looking for a job or a career change, the benefits of the gig economy are definitely appealing. You can be your own boss, work flexible hours, and some gig jobs are quite lucrative!

So, how can you get started and find success in the gig economy?

Be Well-Versed in What You Want to Do

Some people make the mistake of jumping into a new job without the knowledge they need to do it successfully. For example, ride-sharing might seem easy enough. But, if you start to become an Uber driver without familiarizing yourself with the company, the rules, or even tips on how to get higher ratings, your career could be short-lived.

Don’t forget about the details, too, including checking out how safe and reliable your car is. How are your tires? Are the fluoropolymer coatings covering the gears holding up? Have you re-familiarize yourself with driving laws in your area?

This is just one example, but no matter what gig economy career you’re interested in, it’s important to know it and understand it as much as possible if you want to find success.

Market Yourself

When you work in the gig economy, you’re not only your own boss. You’re your own business. Because of that, you have to learn how to market yourself. This is especially true for freelancers in areas like design or writing.

Get your name out there as much as possible! Print business cards, create a website and be active on social media platforms. Use any opportunity possible to connect with potential clients. When you start to build up a regular client base, you can rely more on word-of-mouth advertising.

Stay Focused

Though one of the benefits to working in the gig economy is setting your own hours, you have to be good with time management, and fight the distractions that may arise on a regular basis.

Ask yourself if you can be disciplined enough to maintain certain hours and to ‘get to work’ each day. If you tend to do better with a more structured work environment, the gig economy might not be right for you.

Keeping these tips in mind can help to better prepare you to work in the gig economy or as a freelancer. If you have the passion for it, you can make a living doing something you truly enjoy, and take advantage of being your own boss!