
- February 6, 2020
Online Security Doesn’t Have to Be Pricey
Staying secure when you’re online is a must in the modern day and age. More and more threats are coming online each and every day, and scammers are getting a lot more savvy about how current internet safety measures work. Most notably of all, they rely on you not knowing what the warning signs look like!
You might think that further forms of online security, apart from the inbuilt protection on your operating system, are going to be far too expensive to pick up and install. But in doing a bit of research, online security doesn’t have to be pricey at all. Let’s go into a few details below.
Look for the Lock
If you’re going to be using the internet a lot, you’ll need to be aware of what constitutes a secure website, and a secure HTML code. So, when you log onto a website for the first time, look up at the address bar – if there’s a lock in front of the website URL, you’re in safe hands. You can do whatever you want on that website, including shopping through it and maybe even storing your details, and all for free as part of normal website coding conduct.
Check on Your Firewall
Make sure that the firewall that comes built into your computer is always turned on – you shouldn’t ever be required to turn it off when it comes to accessing the internet, using a website, or downloading something from a link. And the firewall that comes with your PC is completely free to make use of, and its protection strength has only gotten better and better over the years.
At the same time, if you’re recently installed a form of antivirus or anti malware protection on your PC, make sure at least one firewall is still active in the background. An online security program comes with its own firewall it’ll want to use, whilst your firewall is still turned on, and this turn of events can cancel each firewall out when brought together.
You Can Deal for Extra Layers of Protection
And finally, if you already own a form of anti virus on your computer, that didn’t come with the operating system, you can usually cut a deal for further layers of protection that you might need.
For example, if you’re someone who shops online a lot, and you know a few websites have your financial details on file, you can use an identity protection coupon to get money off upgrading to an identity protection plan.
Because once you have the bulk product downloaded to your system, you can fork out considerably less money; online security companies know just how many people are in need of their product, and want to make it as available as possible.
Online security doesn’t have to be the most expensive thing you’ve ever had to buy. Make sure you keep ideas like these in mind when it comes to upping your security measures when accessing the internet.