
  • November 2, 2019

If You Love Money, These Are the Careers for You

Some careers are in the money, and some make money. Professions in finance tend to be both. Which is great for people who are good with numbers and like to watch their bank balance rise. And, when it comes down to it – every business needs to make money to survive, and so do we.

So if you love money, here are some career choices for you to consider.

Business Reporter

This is a particularly cool option because it’s totally about money – but not in the way you might imagine. You’ll be follow-up money and business-related trends, news, stock markets and looking for the big scoops too. Sure, you will be looking at national money trends, but you’ll also need to understand and be able to deliver information on global markets too. You’ll ideally have a degree in communications, business or a mixed set of experience.


Money and the economy move in ways that weren’t possible a few years ago. Thanks to mobile phones and the internet buying and selling of stocks are much faster. Meaning that an economist will never be short of up-to-date data to analyse and predict the next directions, crashes and surges. Economists will usually report back to finance leaders in government, business and energy industries – but there are many more companies you might be in. You’ll probably need a Masters in Economics – however, there are entry-level careers too.


If you are responsible with money and like the make money work for you, the accounting is probably going to be your nirvana. You’ll be working in large corporations or with freelancers – or perhaps freelance yourself. Your knowledge of taxes and organization will be second to none. Enhancing profits and reducing costs are your favourite things to do. Accounting and finance staffing companies will go out of their way to work with the right people. Because everyone knows that the accountant has the power to fix and maintain financial records in all circumstances. You’ll likely need a degree, and becoming a Certified Public Accountant will really pay off too.

Financial Advisor

This position has a lot of power. You will be helping people invest money, and work out where the best place would be to put money in terms of savings for them and their children too. Retirement savings are also a hot topic that you’ll need to cover. Using a wealth of experience in all aspects of finance, as well as being able to analyse up to date changes and patterns in money will mean you can give people advice and information that will change their money future. You will probably have a degree in business, finance or a similar field.

When it comes to making money, you’ll make far more if you know enough about it to make it work for you, and those around you. All of the careers mentioned above are deep into finance, and most will need at least a degree to get you started.

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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