
  • August 10, 2021

Considering the Logistics of High-End Recruitment

Largely concerned with the management and flow of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption, the logistics industry is a key player in an increasingly global market and is at the forefront of immense change in light of shifting technologies, market entrants, and consumer expectations.

For existing businesses and those considering starting trucking companies, continuing to secure top talent is therefore dependent on the ability to both foresee and accommodate these changes, and offer viable, attractive recruitment options regardless. As talent shortages continue to cripple the market, modern, competitive recruitment drives are especially imperative, and we’re going to consider precisely how to bring them within easier reach.

Embrace a Modern Workforce

As long-haul driving, in particular, experiences some of the industries worst talent shortages to date, companies looking to stay ahead are having to consider hiring in areas that, previously, haven’t been given the air time they’ve deserved. Female drivers, especially, now account for 8% of long-haul drivers, a notable improvement on figures from recent years. Many logistics companies are also considering recruitment across previously overlooked areas including veterans and millennials, both of whom are bringing crucial boosts to companies who were previously floundering. To ensure appeal to these areas, logistics recruitment drives could benefit from calls for training, as well as distribution across social channels that ensure advertising reach to millennials and Gen Zers.

Offer Higher Standards of Ease

Logistics service providers have long come under fire for high employee turnover rates, a fact that is largely behind the shortages across the industry to date. While a range of different factors is involved in this negative trend, convoluted processes and unrealistically high management expectations certainly deserve a fair share of the blame. By focusing on the simplification of logistics roles where possible, made easier by far-reaching technological advancements, recruiters and management should be better able to both retain workforces and offer attractive recruitment opportunities across new talent. Trends like shipment tracking systems and enhanced onboard GPS are perhaps the most obvious examples of this, but further simplifications like the improved communications and reduced errors possible through apps like those offered by Twin Eagle also play a huge part here. Taken together, the entire scope of simplification possible with tools like these makes retention, and recommendations, far easier to come by.

Enhance Your Benefits Packages

Retention, and recruitment, are dependent on competitive benefits packages across industries, but the commitment and hours called for from many logistics recruits makes appealing benefits ever-more essential. As more companies compete across dwindling talent pools, it becomes especially essential for companies to provide benefits packages that include health care, paid time off, and even specialized wellness plans where possible. Competitive pay, on-job training, and discount deals for on-road food, etc. are also guaranteed to get the top talent talking, and ultimately walking in your direction.

Only with the top talent can logistics companies truly compete in a modern landscape. The question is, are you doing enough to secure yourself the best workers out there right now?

A pretty interesting post, huh?

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