
- October 4, 2018
Tips for Writing Blog Posts People Want to Read
The life of a blogger sounds very appealing if you like the idea of working from home and spending your days writing about topics you’re interested in. It’s possible to earn a reasonable income if you’re successful at it, too. However, it does require a great deal of effort and the ability to craft well-written posts that grab people’s attention. There is so much content out there on the web that your posts need to have a special something if they’re going to be read and re-posted, so it’s a good idea to plan very carefully how to approach your writing and create worthwhile material.
The Structure of a Good Blog Post
It should go without saying that the best posts will conform to high standards of grammar and spelling, as they will look amateurish and come across poorly if they aren’t well-constructed. If these basic writing skills are something you struggle with, then find a book or online resource that will help you improve your spelling and grammar, and use good quality checking tools to monitor how well you’re writing. The length of a post will depend on the target audience, but a good length for standard posts is between 500 and 1,000 words. Longer posts can be appropriate for in-depth topics on specialist sites, but shorter ones are generally more engaging on general interest blogs. If you’re writing for someone else’s blog, then you should adhere to their writing guidelines closely to ensure your work stands a good chance of being accepted.
Style and Content
The style of writing you use can vary according to the type of blog you’re writing for, from a casual tone and the use of contractions and even slang words in some cases, through to posts that are approaching academic standards. Again, stick to the writing guidelines and if you’re writing for your own blog, use the kind of writing style that reflects your personality and how you would talk to someone. If you’re writing reviews, then you need to master the art of providing enough information to capture your readers’ interest and tell them what they need to know. However, don’t give away too much if you’re reviewing a movie or a book for example. Use an appropriate level of detail that describes the premise of the story and comments on the merits of the work, but don’t give out plot spoilers or make any criticisms too personal. Likewise, if you were writing a report on your experiences, such as Theme Parks, days out, a trip to the theater or to an Escape Rooms, you’d want to convey the atmosphere, excitement, tension and so on, but not reveal too much. This kind of writing spoils the fun for other people, and won’t endear you to anyone!
Try to write from a fresh perspective or a different angle if you can, and always check your work against a plagiarism tool to make sure you haven’t inadvertently copied anyone else’s work. You’ll find plenty of helpful writing guides and advice for new writers on the internet, and if you want to succeed you would do well to learn from those who have already made a successful career from their writing.