
  • December 22, 2022

Customer Service Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid

Customer service is a huge part of running any business, and yet is still an area that a lot of people struggle with. Customer service is directly linked to the journey that they have with your business, starting with how you market yourself, to the end sale and product or service satisfaction. So regardless of whether you are a large and well-established business, or a small business taking your first steps into the corporate world, here are several customer service mistakes your business should avoid.  

Poor Marketing

If you market yourself incorrectly then this can already cause customer service issues, even before they have bought anything from you, for example, by misleading them or creating an unpleasant journey. You should make sure that the way you present your business or brand is clear and concise. Marking and customer service go hand-in-hand to create an excellent customer experience, so they need to work together properly and have strategies that are aligned. One way of ensuring this is by seeking professional help such as through Marcus Hansen Consulting.

The Customer Isn’t Always Right

This may be a controversial take but the age-old saying “the customer is always right” can actually be a bad phrase to live by. Often a customer doesn’t want to be right, they will instead have a specific goal or outcome that they want from you. Although there is no harm in apologizing to a customer. 

If you look into things like call center quality control for your business, it’s going to be massively helpful. It might just be a case that you have got to be a little stricter in your approach with your employees, and as the business owner, you have got to ensure that you are implementing training and control consistently.

Lack of Internal Company Communication

Sometimes the customer journey can be disrupted by a lack of internal company communication, leading to poor customer service. Your marketing teams should work alongside your customer support teams as together they will be able to create a better customer experience, and deal with or overcome any issues together. This will inevitably attract and retain more customers due to having experienced a positive customer journey from start to finish with you.

Not Being Proactive

Sometimes being reactive to a situation is the best call to action that a business can take, as not everything is foreseeable. However, if possible, it would be beneficial to your business if you can spot any problems and aim to fix them before they grow out of control. If for example, you have a defective product, send out a recall notice to all your customers. This way you are building trust with your customers and are less likely to spend a lot of time, money, and resources dealing with customer complaints.

Customer Service Advisor Training

Often businesses won’t spend enough time training or paying their staff adequately to deal with the potential amount of customer complaints and queries that they will come across. Of course, you can’t train for every single event that will happen, but if you invest in your staff, you will have a smaller turnover, a stronger team, and happier customers

Just remember that your customers make you, and you should always try to give them the best customer journey possible.